How to remove candle wax from carpet

How to remove candle wax from carpet
The Stain:
Stiff and built up.
Petroleum, animal fats and oils, vegetable fats and oils, basic dyes
Method 1:
Using an iron and brown paper.
1. Remove solid debris with a tablespoon, teaspoon, spatula, or edge of a blunt knife
2. Set the iron on low. (especially important on synthetic carpets)
3. Place brown paper over the wax.
4. Apply the iron to the paper, and slowly increase the temperature until you start seeing wax absorbing into the paper.
5. Move the paper along under the iron so that wax is being absorbed into fresh paper. DO NOT place a hot iron onto any carpet.
Method 2:
1. Try freezing the wax with an ice cube, then breaking and removing the frozen pieces.
2. Apply dry-cleaning solvent.
3. Apply POG, blot.
4. Apply dry-cleaning solvent, and blot.
It is always best to treat stains as soon as possible! The longer a stain is on your carpet, the harder it will be for you or a professional to remove.
Before you start
- Remove solid debris with a tablespoon, teaspoon, spatula, or edge of a blunt knife.
- Blot up as much of the spill as you can. Use a clean, white, absorbent material such as towels, kitchen roll, tissues, etc.
- Always work from the outer edge of the spot towards the middle to prevent rings. Keep blotting until you have removed as much as possible.
Always Pretest Stain Removal Agents
Find an inconspicuous area (the edge of the carpet behind furniture, the rear of a cushion, etc) and test by applying several drops of the appropriate cleaning solution and blot gently with a clean white towel. If the colour of the item (not the stain) transfers to the cloth or a colour change occurs, a professional cleaner should be called. Irreparable damage may occur if you continue. If no colour transfer occurs, apply the solution again, wait half an hour to an hour, if possible, and inspect for any damaging colour changes. This is especially important for wool and nylon carpets.
Treat the Stain
Follow the above instructions until the stain is removed. Do not over wet the area. In the case of wool carpets, this may cause browning of the area. Use small amounts of the cleaning solution and blot frequently. Always blot, do not rub or brush. this will damage the pile. The final step is always to rinse the area carefully with plain water. Blot up the water with a clean towel.
Take YourTime!
It is easy to panic and rush in, using every product under the kitchen sink. Stop, take a breath.
Some stains respond slower than others. Others may not be removed at all depending on a million different factors.
Build a Stain Removal Kit
These items are readily available to the public.
- ALCOHOL - Isopropyl alcohol is best.
- AMMONIA - Mix one tablespoon of clear household ammonia with half a cup of water.
- BLEACH - Hydrogen peroxide. Do not use chlorine bleach.
- DETERGENT SOLUTION - Mix one teaspoonful of non-bio detergent in a cup of warm water.
- ENZYME DETERGENT - Mix a solution of bio detergent into a cup of warm (not hot) water.
- POG - Paint, oil, and grease remover, available in janitorial stores.
- VINEGAR SOLUTION - Mix one-third cup of white household vinegar with two-thirds cup of water.